Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • geevikram
    04-30 09:44 AM
    this is how cir will end..... with a procedural vote -
    Financial regulation plan fails first Senate test - U.S. business- (

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  • gcformeornot
    01-22 03:22 PM

    2) We are expecting a baby girl in March (who will be born American in Atlanta) and was wondering whether or not she could sponsored us (on our request being their parents and she would only be an infant), so that we could stay legally and request the Green Cards Family Based?


    can apply for your family based green cards only after she is 21 years old.

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  • mdcowboy
    10-04 02:10 PM
    Is it advisable to put in a big % of your income into the retirement account. There seems to be a nearly 30% early withdrawal loss if you ever were to pull money early out of that prior to 60 years of age. So basically your own money will be lost.
    Any ideas on this issue? It is not that I am planning to withdraw early but just for information purpose.

    I contribute no more than 10% of my pay towards my 401K. I would not contribute more than this because I don't intend to stay here for a very long time. Also, I would be happy to put my money in savings with a decent return and stocks rather than my retirement fund.

    I am not sure about this but I guess if you plan to return just have to pay the taxes and not the penalty? You need to get this verified.

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  • raysaikat
    09-13 03:56 PM
    I have a question about obtaining and O-1 visa (or possibly EB-1 Green Card). I did hire an attorney , but would like another look at the situation.

    I am a musician, about 2 months after the end of OPT, presently in USA, with a PhD and many awards so I should qualify for O-1.
    Unless you have won a grammy or a similar award, you do not necessarily qualify. Here are the requirement from USCIS:

    1. Nomination for and/or recipient of significant national or international awards or prizes in his/her field (e.g. Academy, Emmy, Grammy, or Director’s Guild Award)


    • At least three of the following apply to him/her:
    o Performed a lead, starring or critical role for organizations and establishments of distinguished reputation.
    o A record of major commercial or critically acclaimed success.
    o Received significant recognition for achievements from organizations, critics, government agencies, or other recognized experts in the alien’s field.
    o Commands/ed high salary or other remuneration for services as compared to others in the alien’s field.
    o Other comparable evidence

    Aliens in the Motion Picture or TV Industry
    The type of evidence that is required to establish “extraordinary achievement” in the motion picture or TV industry is in some ways similar to the type of evidence submitted to show “extraordinary ability” in the arts. The standard that must be met, however, is higher. To establish “extraordinary ability in the arts” it is enough to show a high level of achievement. For “extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or TV industry” a very high level of accomplishment is required.

    When you file your petition, you must try to provide evidence of as many categories as possible. Usually the point is that what you have achieved is not *usual*. E.g., *winning* an assistantship in your graduate school does not count.

    As advised, I needed an employer to sponsor the visa. My attorney suggested that Part-time is not recommendable at all. I researched and could not find if the position need to be necessarily Full-time? I have only a part time job currently and many freelancing opportunities.

    Also, since the nature of my profession is freelancing (meaning I need to perform, teach...on many different places), can I be self-employed for O-1?
    O-1 is the employer's petition, not yours. So you do need to have an employer. However, if you can prove that your field is traditionally self-employed, then you can have a US agent. I do not know what is a US agent; ask your lawyer.

    We already filed the petition for O-1 (with the part-time employer as a sponsor) and the current status is: Additional Information/Proof Needed. We still don't have the letter stating what is needed, but I worry it's not a good sign. What do you think?

    And lastly, IF it happens that O-1 is not approved, can I still apply for EB-1 Green Card?

    Thank you for your answers!

    EB-1 petition (assuming it is the EB-1A) standards are as follows. They are very similar to O-1 and stricter, however, legally EB1-A requirements are independent of O-1 requirement (i.e., you cannot argue that if your O-1 is approved, then EB1-A must also be approved with the same set of evidences):

    Aliens with extraordinary ability are those with "extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation." You must be one of "that small percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor," to be granted this classification. For example, if you receive a major internationally recognized award, such as a Nobel Prize, you will qualify for an EB-1 classification. Other awards may also qualify if you can document that the award is in the same class as a Nobel Prize. Since few workers receive this type of award, alternative evidence of EB-1 classification based on at least three of the types of evidence outlined below, is permitted. The worker may submit "other comparable evidence" if the following criteria do not apply:

    Receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence;

    Membership in associations in the field which demand outstanding achievement of their members; [It is not sufficient to be a member of an organization where you are member just by the virtue of your profession, or just because you cared to apply]

    Published material about the alien in professional or major trade publications or other major media;

    Evidence that the alien has judged the work of others, either individually or on a panel; [Grading your student's work does not count! If you are a judge in American Idol, Project Runway, etc., those would definitely count]

    Evidence of the alien's original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance to the field;

    Evidence of the alien's authorship of scholarly articles in professional or major trade publications or other major media;

    Evidence that the alien's work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases;

    Performance of a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations;

    Evidence that the alien commands a high salary or other significantly high remuneration in relation to others in the field;

    Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts.


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  • whitecollarslave
    08-14 03:15 PM
    How long have you been on H1? Can you find a new job and transfer your H1 to a new employer? Your employer is legally bound to pay you the salary listed in LCA for H1. You do need to show evidence that you worked for your employer.

    Collect all evidence that you can about your employment, salary, contracts, etc. Have copies of timesheets, all email correspondence, pay stubs, any written evidence about how your employer did or did not pay you. Keep evidence of you actually working during the time, copies of approved timesheets would be very helpful.
    I am not sure how much money is in question here, but I would talk to a good attorney who understands immigration law as well as employment law in your state. Labor laws differ slightly from state to state. What state are you from?

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  • perm2gc
    08-14 03:34 PM
    Mr.Bush when you will think of US other than cubans and mexicans..:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


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  • cpolisetti
    03-31 03:56 PM
    She was also available for Q&A earlier today on Washington Post. I am quoting one question and answer in particular. Probably she can help in more visibilty of our voice?

    Here is the link for todays Q&A:

    Question from Washington, D.C.: Thank you for your informative article on a topic that needs more attention.

    I'm trying to get an sense of the scope of the problem from the perspective of an H-1B visa holder. Just how long does it typically take professionals from India and China/Taiwan to get a green card through their employer these days? What disinsentives are there for employers, other than the risk that the green card may not be approved and their employee will have to return to their home country?

    Answer from S. Mitra Kalita: Absent from much of this debate are the voices of H-1B holders themselves and I thank you for your question. I talked to someone who wouldn't allow himself to be quoted by name (so I did not use him in today's story) but this particular individual's story is one I hear often: He has been here for nine years, first on a student visa, then an H-1B. His employer applied for his green card in 2002 and he has been waiting four years because it is tied up in the backlog for labor certification. He said he is giving it six more months and if it doesn't come through, he's heading back to India. This stage is the one that a lot of observers agree where a worker risks being exploited. They are beholden to the employer because of the green card sponsorship (an H-1B visa can travel with a worker from one company to another, however) and cannot get promoted because that is technically a change in job classification -- and would require a new application. On the other hand, a lot of companies say that they know once someone gets a green card, they are out the door because suddenly they can start a company, go work for someone else, get promoted... Anyway, I could go on and on with background on this but instead I will post a story I did last summer on the green card backlog. Hang on.

    Todays article:

    Most See Visa Program as Severely Flawed

    By S. Mitra Kalita
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, March 31, 2006; D01

    Somewhere in the debate over immigration and the future of illegal workers, another, less-publicized fight is being waged over those who toil in air-conditioned offices, earn up to six-figure salaries and spend their days programming and punching code.

    They are foreign workers who arrive on H-1B visas, mostly young men from India and China tapped for skilled jobs such as software engineers and systems analysts. Unlike seasonal guest workers who stay for about 10 months, H-1B workers stay as long as six years. By then, they must obtain a green card or go back home.

    Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony for and against expanding the H-1B program. This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation that would increase the H-1B cap to 115,000 from 65,000 and allow some foreign students to bypass the program altogether and immediately get sponsored for green cards, which allow immigrants to be permanent residents, free to live and work in the United States.

    But underlying the arguments is a belief, even among the workers themselves, that the current H-1B program is severely flawed.

    Opponents say the highly skilled foreign workers compete with and depress the wages of native-born Americans.

    Supporters say foreign workers stimulate the economy, create more opportunities for their U.S. counterparts and prevent jobs from being outsourced overseas. The problem, they say, is the cumbersome process: Immigrants often spend six years as guest workers and then wait for green card sponsorship and approval.

    At the House committee hearing yesterday, Stuart Anderson, executive director of the National Foundation for American Policy, a nonprofit research group, spoke in favor of raising the cap. Still, he said in an interview, the H-1B visa is far from ideal. "What you want to have is a system where people can get hired directly on green cards in 30 to 60 days," he said.

    Economists seem divided on whether highly skilled immigrants depress wages for U.S. workers. In 2003, a study for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found no effect on salaries, with an average income for both H-1B and American computer programmers of $55,000.

    Still, the study by Madeline Zavodny, now an economics professor at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga., concluded "that unemployment was higher as a result of these H-1B workers."

    In a working paper released this week, Harvard University economist George J. Borjas studied the wages of foreigners and native-born Americans with doctorates, concluding that the foreigners lowered the wages of competing workers by 3 to 4 percent. He said he suspected that his conclusion also measured the effects of H-1B visas.

    "If there is a demand for engineers and no foreigners to take those jobs, salaries would shoot through the roof and make that very attractive for Americans," Borjas said.

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-USA says H-1B salaries are lower. "Those who are here on H-1B visas are being worked as indentured servants. They are being paid $13,000 less in the engineering and science worlds," said Ralph W. Wyndrum Jr., president of the advocacy group for technical professionals, which favors green-card-based immigration, but only for exceptional candidates.

    Wyndrum said the current system allows foreign skilled workers to "take jobs away from equally good American engineers and scientists." He based his statements about salary disparities on a December report by John Miano, a software engineer, who favors tighter immigration controls. Miano spoke at the House hearing and cited figures from the Occupational Employment Statistics program that show U.S. computer programmers earn an average $65,000 a year, compared with $52,000 for H-1B programmers.

    "Is it really a guest-worker program since most people want to stay here? Miano said in an interview. "There is direct displacement of American workers."

    Those who recruit and hire retort that a global economy mandates finding the best employees in the world, not just the United States. And because green-card caps are allocated equally among countries (India and China are backlogged, for example), the H-1B becomes the easiest way to hire foreigners.

    It is not always easy. Last year, Razorsight Corp., a technology company with offices in Fairfax and Bangalore, India, tried to sponsor more H-1B visas -- but they already were exhausted for the year. Currently, the company has 12 H-1B workers on a U.S. staff of 100, earning $80,000 to $120,000 a year.

    Charlie Thomas, Razorsight's chief executive, said the cap should be based on market demand. "It's absolutely essential for us to have access to a global talent," he said. "If your product isn't the best it can be with the best cost structure and development, then someone else will do it. And that someone else may not be a U.S.-based company."

    Because H-1B holders can switch employers to sponsor their visas, some workers said they demand salary increases along the way. But once a company sponsors their green cards, workers say they don't expect to be promoted or given a raise.

    Now some H-1B holders are watching to see how Congress treats the millions of immigrants who crossed the borders through stealthier means.

    Sameer Chandra, 30, who lives in Fairfax and works as a systems analyst on an H-1B visa, said he is concerned that Congress might make it easier for immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally to get a green card than people like him. "What is the point of staying here legally?" he said.

    His Houston-based company has sponsored his green card, and Chandra said he hopes it is processed quickly. If it is not, he said, he will return to India. "There's a lot of opportunities there in my country."

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  • saiimmi
    01-27 07:14 AM
    So, what's the significance of 485 processing dates? Say, if my PD is June 2001 EB3 and my 485 got applied in Aug, 2007 what are the chances that my 485 will be touched if the visa bulletin were to move to June but the processing dates were to be in July 2007?


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  • deecha
    08-06 11:15 AM
    My i-140 premium processing application was filed on the 22nd of June,2007 as indicated in the information below. The package & check were returned in the first week of July. A letter indicating the reason for remittance and return was that the labor cert. attached was a photocopy and not the original.
    Now what does not make sense here is that the original labor was sent along with the original i140 application filed last year(in june 2006).
    I called the USCIS info line and the rep. suggested that i could resend it with an explanation.
    What concerns me is if i do resend it, would it be considered only after suspension of i140 premium is lifted or would it be considered as a case from last month and processed under premium.
    I think you should resend the packet in with proof of prior mailing.

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  • WeldonSprings
    10-28 09:42 PM
    Is there anybody else, who have applied for AP recently at NSC and encountered a delay in clearance of the check or receiving the receipt. So, far I see two individuals including myself with such delays.

    AP renewal application Mailed: 10/06/08
    Reached @ USCIS: 10/08/08
    Check cashed: 10/23/08
    AP Receipt notice received: 10/27/08


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  • asiehouston
    09-08 10:38 AM
    :confused:I am going to call the USCIS customer service and ask them what should my next steps be... Will keep you guys posted!

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  • njboy
    07-26 10:35 AM
    according to what you typed-your priority date is june if i were you, i wouldnt worry much about it..however, your lawyer is right that incase your company revokes your labor, you might be in trouble.
    even if your i-140 gets approved, you'll have to start from scratch in the new company - ie, file a new labour, advertise, etc etc. only advantage is, you might be able to keep your priority date.
    why dont you try this - wait for your i-140 approval, and ask your new company to file an h1 extension based on this. see if you get a 3 year extension. if you do, you are good to go


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  • p_kumar
    11-25 09:12 PM
    I am doing the same - full time H1B, part time school. Can use EAD for assistantship and full time school next year (if GC does not come through). If GC is approved(hopefully) since NC is already cleared and PD is current, I will continue about 6 months more full time with employer and do part time school.

    How do you know that your namecheck is cleared?. thanks

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  • nlssubbu
    05-19 01:08 PM
    In the similar boat.. I received sms/email on 13th that 485 has been approved but have not received any welcome/approval letter till date. I am on H1b. It has expired and I don't have Advance Parole also. I need to travel urgently in first week of June 2011. I was thinking of getting my H1b stamped during the trip, but since that's not possible what are my options???
    I called my lawyers office but really didn't get any sound reply... seems like that lost interest once I told them I am not filing EAD/AP and GC is approved

    Why don't you take an Info-Pass and check with an immigration officer? In case of GC approved but yet to be received at your end, there is a possibility that they can stamp your passport with temporary GC (I-551 i think) for urgent travel.

    Try your luck!



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  • krishnam70
    05-01 05:13 PM

    My Visa get expire on Sept 2009. I want to travel india on month (June) and coming back on June. Do i need to stamp my visa for coming back?. Also My visa in the name of company A. and i left the company moved to company B and then Company C. Now my H1 is with company C and its valid till 2011 November. Can i use the same Visa for reentry to US when i am coming back on May/June. Please give your answers ASAP.


    For re-entering your left over time is sufficient, however if you ever want to travel out of US again you might need to go back to a consulate for visa issuance.

    - cheers

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  • MightyIndian
    10-28 04:43 PM
    Happy Diwali. Do not lose hope.

    Shraddha and Saburi wins the game.


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  • GC_1000Watt
    05-23 02:25 PM
    AFAIK DS 156 and DS !57 are no longer required. These have been replaced with DS 160.

    My last experience in Mumbai consulate was 2 years back after I changed job and went to India. My experience was very good -- not a single question asked . An Indian lady called me and said your Visa is issued. Collected Passport in evening at VFS Office (BTW, there is a very long queue for passport collection)

    However, I do not work for consulting company, never worked for any Desi Consulting and I already had a couple of H1 and L1 visa stamps in my passport.
    I am travelling again now but avoiding the hassle of stamping. Returning with current stamp whcih will be valid for 10 more days after my return (I already have the extended 797)
    You were right in saying that DS 156 & DS 157 is no longer required. Here is the link
    General Information- Consulate General of the United States Mumbai, India (

    BTW what is this PIMS thing? Do I have to do anything regarding PIMS before taking the apoointment for VISA interview or before/during the actual interview?

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  • saiimmi
    12-12 09:02 PM
    Could you please throw some light?


    PTO: planned time off

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  • admin
    02-09 10:32 PM
    Everyone, I am working on a way to customize the WebFax. I should be able to complete it over the weekend.

    04-08 11:05 AM
    My PD is Oct 09 2003

    04-13 01:55 PM
    braindrain - can you please update on your parents visa please ..

    I have a similar issue that I need some guidance..

    My Wife last name is spelled with 2 e's and my in-laws last names in her passport are spelled with 2 e's. Our Marriage certificate is based on the passport name and has 'ee'.

    Her Birth Certificate has only one 'e' and the parents last name in that certificate have single 'e'. Also, my in-laws passports have single 'e'.

    how bad is this additional 'e' ?? I wil update her birth certificate to 'ee' so that it matches her passport name (no problems in future for I-485) but can her birth certificate have her parents name as singe 'e' that matches their passports ?? (or is this a stupid idea to have different surnames for child and parents in birth certificate ?)


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